What is Ruby Coin?
Ruby coin, often described as a cryptocurrency, a virtual currency or a digital currency is a type of money that is completely virtual to cash. People can send Ruby coins (or part of one) to your digital wallet, And you can send Ruby coins to other people.
Each Ruby coin is basically a computer file that is stored in a ‘digital wallet’ on Blockchain.
A distributed, decentralized Cryptocurrency system. Started – on 29/12/2020 at 23:59:59:19 Vietnam GMT time.
Rubycoin is a type of cryptocurrency. There is no physical rubicon, only balances kept on a
public ledger that everyone has transparent access to. All rubycoin transactions are
a massive amount of computing power. Rubycoin are not or backed by any banks or governments, nor are individual rubycoins.

Total number of Ruby Coin : Ruby Currency -RBC- How Does Rubycoin Work
Maximum Supply – 300 Million – RBC
Initial Supply – 40 Million – in ICO Time
Total Burn Of RBC – 1386754 in ICO Time
Actual Circulation Mean Time – 38613246 RBC
Is Rubycoin a legitimate investment?
- You can easily trade bitcoin for cash or assets like gold instantly with incredibly low fees.
- The high liquidity associated with rubycoin makes it a great investment vessel if you’re looking for short-term rofit. Digital currency may also be a long-term investment due to their high market demand.
- Marketplaces called “rubycoin exchanges” allow people to buy or sell rubycoins using different currencies.
Online Transaction : Ruby Currency -RBC- How Does Rubycoin Work
Digital Transaction.
Non-Traceable (well & mostly).
Secure (mostly) crypto currency: Ruby Coin.
– single use.
– reliable.
Low Transaction Fee, Peer to peer currency.
Merchants couldn’t track/profile costumers.
The rise of Ruby Coin.
This solution will benefit from:
1. The trust, integrity and visibility of the blockchain ledger.
2. The ability to hold and settle funds on the blockchain.
3. The greater speed of using off-chain processing.
4. A consortium-based private ledger visible to only participants network combined with the public blockchain.
Blockchain is most popular Way to securely buy, store, & trade Ruby Coin cryptocurrencies. Every single transaction in a public list is called Blockchain. Ruby Currency is a ERC20 Token based on Ethereum Blockchain.
To execute a transaction, program first creates a transaction with required data and sends it to smart contract, To execute the transaction, blockchain requires a fees which we call as a Gas Fees, After transaction is successfully mined then smart contract send a token to wallet address which in safe and secured wallet, A smart contract is an agreement between two people in the form of computer code, They run on the blockchain, so they are on a public database and cannot be, The transactions that happen in a smart contract are the blockchain, which means they can be sent automatically without a third party.
Why Invest in Ruby coin?
Exploring RUBYCOIN as a Global Payments Solution, Since the arrival of Rubycoin in 2020, cryptocurrencies have become increasingly popular, promising a fast, secure, low cost.
Rubycoin payment are irreversible
Although Rubycoin is a purely digital currency, it can be kept secure in analog form. which significantly decreases the chances of the cryptocurrency being stolen by hackers or computer viruses.
The Rubycoin technology – the protocol and the cryptography – has a strong security track record, and the Rubycoin network is probably the biggest distributed computing project in the world.
Official Website: Click Here
Exchange Website: Click Here
Read More: How To Sell Ruby coin – RBC – ruby currency
Read More: How To Buy ruby coin – ruby currency